Over his career he has served in Squadron, Wing, Numbered Air Force, and Major Command positions, and has deployed to Korea, the Balkans, Italy, and Afghanistan.

A Leader is Born.
One of his most rewarding assignments was as the AFROTC Detachment 88 Commander at Sacramento State University in California from 2019-2022 where he led the 26th largest detachment of 145 in the nation, commissioned 46 new lieutenants into the USAF, and had the honor of commissioning the first-ever US Space Force officer from that university!

Combat and Flight
He has more than 4,000 combat support hours as an MQ-1/MQ-9 aircrew member and is an Air University certified Instructor. Currently, Colonel Markiewitz is stationed at Headquarters, Ninth Air Force at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina.

A Perfect Resume
He has acted on film and stage since 2001 and most recently worked as an Evening Programs performer at Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, where he performed in 70 shows for over 3,000 guests in "To Hang a Pirate" and "Cry Witch."

Home is Where The Heart Is!
Jason is married to his high-school sweetheart, Diana, and they share three children.
Any Military Family knows how hard it can be when a loved one is deployed. Thinking of each other every single day while being apart for so long and the (What If's) running through your brain for countless hours. Coming home is the only thing any service member can look forward to. That very thought alone is the drive that keeps these Soldiers going on a Daily basis. Imagine being in a Firefight with images of loved ones back at Home going through their mind. The next time you hear the saying (Home is Where the Heart Is), I would like you to take two seconds and think about who we owe our (Thanks) to, and having the opportunity to live the kind of lives that we get to and be thankful. (Daphne Matthews)